คนไข้ที่สูญเสียฟันหลัง จะมีการใช้ฟันหน้าเคี้ยว และร่วมกับพฤติกรรมบางอย่างเช่น การกัดฟัน เคี้ยวของแข็ง จะทำให้ฟันสึกทั้งหมด การบูรณะจึงต้องยกความสูงของการสบฟัน ร่วมกับการทำครอบฟันทุกซี่ เพื่อให้ฟันและระบบการบดเคี้ยวกลับมาได้ดังเดิม
From clinical and radiographic examination
17 Non functional tooth
15,16 Edentulous area with insufficient vertical bone height
25,26 Edentulous area with left maxillary sinusitis
27 Previously Root canal treatment & Crown with periapical infection that may lead to maxillary sinusitis
35,45 Edentulous area
34,36 Large defective amalgam restoration
44 Edentulous area
45,46 Large defective amalgam restoration
Generalize Tooth wear, attrition and abrasion
Fair oral hygiene
#27 Questionable
Others Good
My treatment plan objective was restoring the esthetic and function with dental implant and multilayer zirconia crown
Treatment plan
1.Periodontal by scaling and root planning
2.Pre-prostetic restorative with resin composite.
3. Surgical placement of Dentium super line fixture dental implant at 26,44
Crestal approach sinus augmentation with implant placement at #25,26
Surgical extraction 27, Immediate implant placement at 25
4.Applications of acrylic provisional crown on 45,46
5. 3 months after place dental implant. Second stage surgery was performed, healing abutment were place for gingival molding.
One week after second stage surgery, all soft tissue was stable.
6. Prosthetic habitation with preparation on 14,13,12,11,21,22,23,24,44,43,42,41,31,32,33,36 were preparations for zirconia crowns.
45,46,36 old crowns were removed, core build-up, preparation.
Fixture level implant impression technique with implant coping
The final impression was performed with PVSFacebow registration establishes the relationship of the maxillary dentition to the horizontal reference plane so that the maxillary cast can be mounted on the articulator in the correct anatomical position and centered Bite record by Esthetic Cross Esthetic CrossRef™