Sample Case: Dental Bridge for Accident-Related Tooth Replacement
Dental Bridge on Natural Teeth to Replace a Tooth Lost in an Accident

In this case, the patient came for a consultation about dental implants to replace a tooth lost due to an accident many years ago.
The accident caused the loss of one front tooth, and the adjacent tooth was also impacted, leading to pulp necrosis.
Since the tooth was lost a long time ago, significant bone resorption occurred. To place a dental implant, extensive bone grafting would be required.
Upon examination, it was also found that the adjacent tooth required root canal treatment.
For teeth undergoing root canal treatment, it is always recommended to restore them with crowns as the final step.
If the patient wants a fixed dental solution, there are two treatment options:
1. Perform root canal treatment and crown restoration for the adjacent teeth, while using bone and gum grafting to prepare for a dental implant.
This treatment would take more than a year.
2. Create a dental bridge, consisting of three connected crowns, with the bridge anchored on the adjacent teeth.
Since root canal treatment and crowning are already necessary for the adjacent teeth, this second option was chosen.
In this case, the dental bridge was entrusted to Dr. Salinporn for completion.
The same problem can have different treatments depending on the context. For example:
– If the bone condition is good and doesn’t require complex surgery.
– Or if the adjacent teeth are healthy and don’t require treatment or crowning, then the plan would shift to the first option.
The best treatment plan is derived from careful diagnosis and collaboration with the patient.
Collaborative planning ensures the most suitable outcome tailored to the patient’s specific context.