Mini Dental Implants for Small Teeth – Precise and Durable Solutions
Mini Dental Implants for Small Teeth
The patient has been using removable dentures for many decades.
They are tired of using removable dentures and wish to switch to dental implants to eliminate the need for taking them out.
Normally, dental implants require sufficient spacing between the implant and adjacent natural teeth.
In very small areas, regular-sized dental implants cannot be used.
Instead, a smaller-sized implant, called a mini implant, is required.
The advantage is that, despite its small size, it is still strong.
However, the downside is that the surgery must be highly precise.
The surgery must achieve the best position in a single attempt because the area is so small that angle adjustments are not possible.
The angle and alignment of the implant must be perfectly accurate to support the crown.
Additionally, since the mini implant is a single piece, the portion that connects to the crown protrudes above the gumline.
This means a temporary crown must be placed immediately.
For the permanent crown, it is a standard dental crown as usual. 🥰